Need of Nominee Report

Need of Nominee Report


Need of Nominee Report

Skilled Nominated Visa provides opportunity to work and study anywhere in Australia, become an Australian citizen and sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence. Nominated employee must have skills needed for the position and capabilities that fit the nominated position.

ImmiDocs prepares a comprehensive report in support of the nominee, outlining skills and competencies that perfectly fit the nominated position in such a way that it elaborates the suitability of the nominee for the position. Nominee report should contain the experiences of the nominated person and show his successful activity in business field.

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What are the information required for completion of a Need of Nominee report?

One of the requirements to make the application more strong is to provide the evidence of recruitment of the nominee. Our writers with relevant education background and training prepare thorough reports to justify the background related to recruitment of the nominee. An employee from Australia can nominate a skilled worker if they have lawfully operated a business in Australia and if there is a genuine need of the nominee.

Temporary residence transition stream

This stream is for employers who have already sponsored the applicant for a Temporary Work(Skilled) visa (subclass 457).

Direct entry stream

Direct entry stream is a stream for employers who want to nominate an applicant to fill a position that is an occupation on the Combined List of Eligible Skilled Occupations, full time, ongoing and available for at least two years.

Agreement Stream

This stream enables an employer to nominate an applicant through a labour agreement that has been negotiated with the government before the lodgement of the nomination.


Work and Study

Nominee can work and study in Australia.

Australian Citizen

It helps to become Australian Citizen.

Skills and Competencies

Skills and competencies of nominated employee.


  • 20 Days for Completion
  • 10 Days for Completion

Clarify your confusions!

If your questions aren’t listed below don’t hesitate to get in touch with us

How Can I Apply for a Skilled Nominated Work Visa?
Step 1: Check if your occupation is on the Skilled Occupation Lists
Step 2: Ensure you meet all the eligibility requirements
Step 3: Complete a Skills Assessment
Step 4: Submit an Expression of Interest through SkillSelect
Step 5: Obtain a government nomination
Step 6: Apply for the Skilled Nominated Work Visa (subclass 190)
Step 7: Wait for a decision
Step 8: Receive your visa and start working
Why is the nominee report needed?
Nominee's report elaborates on the suitability of the nominee for the position. It is a comprehensive report in support of the nominee, outlining skills and competencies that perfectly fit the nominated position. Nominee report contains the experiences of the nominated person and shows his successful activity in the business field.
How long will it take for a skilled nominated visa to be processed for Australia?
Once you're nominated, gather your documents and apply for the visa within the 60 days of receiving an invitation. The 190 visa takes anywhere from 11 to 14 months to process.
What are some of the specific criteria that should meet to apply for the 190 visas?
Some of the specific criteria that will affect your eligibility include:
1. You must be under the age of 45 to apply for this visa.
2. Having an occupation on the 190-visa occupation list and have a full positive skills assessment
3. Be competent in English
4. Meet health and character requirements
5. Be able to score 65 points or more
6. Lodge an expression of interest (EOI) and be invited to apply
7. Be nominated by an Australian state or territory government
8. Not having a visa cancelled or a previous application refused
9. Pay or arrange to pay back all debts to the Australian government, if you or any family members owe the Australian government money
After receiving the skilled nominated visa, what is important to remember while living in Australia?
You and your family must obey all of your visa requirements and Australian laws while living in Australia.